Investigation of buckling in thin-walled steel tanks with different thicknesses under seismic loading

Investigation of buckling in thin-walled steel tanks with different thicknesses under seismic loading

Dr Amir Valaee Barhagh1

1) Civil engineering PhD Student orientation Azad University of Qazvin

Publication : 4th International Congress on Engineering, Technology and Applied Science - Auckland University of Technology(
Abstract :
The high-volume reservoirs of fluids used for storage today are very important given the importance of storing oil and water. In this study, the finite element method using Abaqus software has been used to examine the buckling in the sewage steel tanks with different thicknesses under seismic loading. The results showed that the maximum force formed on the wall was 20 mm thick and then the maximum force created was 18 and 22 mm thick, respectively. Therefore, it can be stated that in the design of thin-walled tanks under all-round stresses, the thickness of shell-shaped elements has an effect on the buckling shape and the final behavior of these structures is exposed to earthquake loads.
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