An Investigation into the Cultural Content of Iranian ELT Books: EFL Teachers’ Perceptions and Qualities

An Investigation into the Cultural Content of Iranian ELT Books: EFL Teachers’ Perceptions and Qualities

Hoda joshan1 Mohammad javad shirooyeh zad2 Behnam shirooyeh zad3

1) MA in TEFL
2) MA in TEFL
3) MA student in Architecture

Publication : 5th.International Conference on Researches in Science & Engineering & 2nd.International Congress on Civil, Architecture and Urbanism in Asia(
Abstract :
Abstract Material evaluation is a necessary issue in educational process and it helps with the modification and improvement of textbooks. A text book is a vital element of education. It is concerned as a helpful asset for both teachers and learners as people who are engaged in the process of teaching and learning. Moreover Culture can be considered as a system that interconnects patterns, behaviors, and can make one group of people distinctive from other groups. Besides, language is an important way of cultural transmission, teaching culture and applying the cultural points in language teaching materials make learners more confident and fluent in target language. The present study aimed to investigate the cultural content of Iranian high school English language teaching (ELT) textbooks from teachers’ perceptions and qualities point of view and to identify the most important necessary changes in the cultural content of these books. To do so 73 questionnaires were distributed among English as foreign language (EFL) teachers, who teach high school ELT text books in Kermanshah, Iran .The participants in the present study were 73 experienced and novice EFL teachers, males and females with different levels of education and experience. The collected data were analyzed through the descriptive statistics and Friedman test. The findings revealed that teachers had positive attitude toward culture and teaching cultural points, but unfortunately most of the English teachers were not satisfied with the cultural content of present ELT books in Iranian high-schools and claimed these books do not provide enough native English culture and they need to be modified and revised from the cultural content aspects.
Keywords : Key words: Culture ELT books experienced teachers vs. novice teachers teachers’ beliefs and teachers’ quality