Checking the Materials and Designs of Knee Replacement Implants, Stress Contour of Tibial Tray during Gait Cycle, and Complications from Knee Surgery in Engineering and Medicine field

Checking the Materials and Designs of Knee Replacement Implants, Stress Contour of Tibial Tray during Gait Cycle, and Complications from Knee Surgery in Engineering and Medicine field

Fatemeh Poodineh hajipour1 Mehdi Movahed2

1) MSc Graduate of Biomaterial Engineering, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran,
2) PhD Graduate of Biomaterial Engineering, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran,

Publication : 3.rd International Congress of Science, Engineering and Technology - Hamburg(
Abstract :
During knee replacement surgery, an orthopaedic surgeon will resurface your damaged knee with artificial components, called implants. Implant Designs including: Posterior-Stabilized , Cruciate-Retaining and Bicruciate-Retaining Designs. The metal parts of the implant are made of titanium or cobalt-chromium based alloys. The plastic parts are made of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene. Some implants are made of ceramics or ceramic/metal mixtures. Whether metal or ceramic, implants weigh between 15 and 20 ounces, depending on the size selected. Stress contour of tibial tray during gait cycle has showed in this article. result show that: patellar replacement has little influence on tibio femoral kinematics and mechanical properties, although it produced a slightly increased tibial tray stress and patellar replacement significantly reduced the kinematics and mechanical performances in the patellofemoral joint during the gait cycle ; patellar tilting, internal rotation,and anterior-posterior translation were all significantly increased compared to the patellar retaining method; meanwhile, patellar replacement altered the stress distribution in the patellofemoral joint, resulting in an increased high-stress area.
Keywords : Implant Materials knee surgery Implant Designs Knee Replacement Implants