Presenting a Technique to Improve Information Security in the Internet of Things Using the Hash Chain Algorithm

Presenting a Technique to Improve Information Security in the Internet of Things Using the Hash Chain Algorithm

Meisam Sharifi Sani1

1) Master of Software Engineering, Tehran Science and Research (Sirjan) branch. Kerman. Iran, E-mail:

Publication : 3rd International Congress On Engineering, Technology and Innovation(
Abstract :
Today, one of the challenges in the field of smart systems is the integrated transfer of old systems and their launch based on the Internet of Things (IoT). These networks can interact with each other and users through sensors and network devices. It is also essential to ensure compatibility and flexibility in integrating existing devices with the Internet of Things, because devices in the Internet of Things can collect useful information from their surroundings and automatically send it to the desired servers. In addition to the many benefits, the Internet of Things can pose many risks to users and organizations, when transferring information from sensors to the desired servers or communicating with other devices, people have to take serious measures to transfer information securely. In the proposed method for identification and access control in Internet of Things, we used the hash chain algorithm and provide a secure method for storing and retrieving users’ information in Internet of Things. Users can transfer their data to Internet of Things storage servers using the proposed method, with more security than similar methods as well as without knowing how and where to store it. The simulation results have shown the performance of proposed method as superior to other similar methods in terms of security and energy consumption.
Keywords : Encryption Identification Internet of Things Security