Experimental and Numerical Investigation Effect of Spoiler and piggyback line on time of Self-Burial Pipeline

Experimental and Numerical Investigation Effect of Spoiler and piggyback line on time of Self-Burial Pipeline

Gholam Hossein Saghi1 Majid Vahdani Asadi2 Ali Elahi3 Mojtaba Damroudi4

1) Managing Director and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Water and Sewerage Company, Bojnourd, North Khorasan, Iran.
2) Water resources development expert of Water and Sewerage Company, Bojnourd,North Khorasan, Iran.
3) Water resources development expert of Water and Sewerage Company, Bojnourd,North Khorasan, Iran.
4) Director of Design Department consulting engineering of haft pargar sayal jam, Bojnourd,Iran,

Publication : 3rd International Congress On Engineering, Technology and Innovation(eticong.com/3rd)
Abstract :
Changes in the external geometry of the pipeline laid on the erodible beds may affect the local scour around pipe. The pipeline laid on the erodible beds is capable of self-burial process due to local scouring. However, the time and depth of self-burial of the pipe is not suitable for practical purposes. In this study, the effect of changes in the external geometry of the pipe on the time of self-burial pipe under steady current experimentally and numerically investigated. The results showed, At the angles of 180, 135 and 225°, the Spoiler and piggyback reduced the time scale of self-burial process but increased the self-burial depths. At angles of 90 and 270°, the scale time of self-burial processes are increased. The numerical and Experimental results indicated that the performance of Triangular piggyback line is similar to the spoiler, therefore, they are of similar application and could be a suitable alternative for the spoiler.
Keywords : Local Scour Pipeline Spoiler Piggyback line River