Optimal and balanced hydraulic network by compression zoning correction

abedin sajedi1 adel azizi2

1) PhD student in Civil Engineering Region 2 Water and Sewerage Company
2) Master of Civil Engineering, Hydraulic Structures

Publication : 3rd International Congress On Engineering, Technology and Innovation(eticong.com/3rd)
Abstract :
Distribution network is the most important part of the water supply system. Accidents and leaks in distribution networks are inevitable. Loss of incoming water to the network is always a concern of ABFA companies. Today, reducing accidents by managing hydraulic parameters such as pressure is of particular importance. The pressure head in the network nodes should be as close as possible to the standard minimum head. Increasing the pressure layer to a considerable extent will prevent network accidents. There are different methods of pressure management and different operating costs. The pressure was investigated and Tehran 94 reservoir was selected as the study area with Water Gems software and GIS information of this reservoir was modeled in the software. After verifying the model using compressed data, the hydraulic condition of the reservoir network was analyzed 53% of the nodes had a pressure of more than 6 atmospheres. In the low pressure nodes, joint dissatisfaction and for high pressure water wastage and the possibility of accidents will be in order to modify the network. It was done for the network. In order to isolate the model, 13 limit valves were also considered. By applying changes, it was observed that at the minimum consumption time, ie 5 in the morning, no other node will have a pressure above 6 atmospheres. And leakage can be achieved.
Keywords : Pressure Management Accident Reduction Urban Water Distribution Network Compression Layers