explanation of design methods in Architecture (Case study: Martinez 3458 Building in Argentina )

Kimia sadat Tabibzadeh1 Bahareh Rajaei2

1) 1. PhD student of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran,
2) 2. Assistant Professor, faculty member, Department of Architecture, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran,

محل انتشار : کنفرانس ملی معماری، عمران، شهرسازی و افق های هنر اسلامی در بیانیه گام دوم انقلاب (icacu.ir)
Abstract :
One of the most important tasks of an architect is designing. Architect is trained for many years to be able to adapt to the various sciences of the day, including: philosophy, mathematics, psychology, sociology, economics, etc. The architect should pay attention to the spirit of architecture of the time in which he/ she lives and looks at historical & past architecture and learns from other architects & designers to Create a space that is able to eliminate the needs of its users. In this way, the architect becomes involved in design process and has to go through various stages during the way to reach his/ her goal. One of the steps that any designer takes in the design process is design methods . In the present article, an attempt has been made to provide a classification of the types of design methods in according to theorists methods And adapting them to the methods designed in a residential building has been called “Martinez 3458 Building in Argentina”. The research method of the present research was descriptive-analytical method and case study by using existing library studies and available documents. The results show that there are variety of design methods for architectural design, and some of the design methods proposed by theorists are similar. The design methods used in the study project also included some of the methods proposed by: Broadbent (1969), Tim Mc Ginty (1979), Aleexander (1979), Long (1987), Duerk (1993), Burns (2005), Marcuse (2005), Jormaka (2007).
Keywords : design methods, Architecture, designing, Martinez 3458 Building, Argentina.