Depicted Ecosystem in Water and Irrigation Network, Ecological Archeology Approach

Depicted Ecosystem in Water and Irrigation Network, Ecological Archeology Approach

Majid Ahmadi1

1) M.A. Art Research , Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

Publication : 6th International Congress of Developing Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism of Iran(
Abstract :
It can be said that people started living on earth almost 200,000 years ago. At first, many of them were hunting, but 50,000 years ago, people have started to move on the surface of the earth and settled. About 10,000 years ago, people became acquainted with the agricultural method and used it to establish their permanent settlements and began to reproduce agricultural products. Ecosystem of agriculture is related to ecosystem of irrigation. Ecosystem of nature, environment is associated with human and some networks; but what is important to human is livelihood that in ancient times was agriculture. Agriculture depends on irrigation and irrigation needs equipment and methods. One of these natural equipment in ecosystem of irrigation were ponds, reservoirs, lakes, potholes and technically equipment were water mills, man-made irrigation constructions and architecture. The question of the article is whether there were any nodes in the water and irrigation ecosystem network.
Keywords : Depicted Ecosystem Archeology water Irrigation Network Node