Adaptive Urbanism: Leveraging Local Cultures and Global Technologies for Sustainable Development

Somaye Nazari1

1) senior expert in urban planning, Payam Noor Razvan University, Sadouq, Yazd,

Publication : 3rd.International Conference on Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Development, Environment and Horizons of Islamic Art in the Second Step Statement of the Revolution(
Abstract :
This review critically examines the concept of adaptive urbanism, a forward-thinking approach to sustainable urban development that harmonizes the preservation of local cultural heritage with the integration of global technological advancements. Adaptive urbanism is posited as a transformative framework that not only respects the unique cultural identities of urban environments but also leverages modern technologies to enhance urban sustainability and resilience. Through a comprehensive literature review, this paper explores the multifaceted relationship between local cultural practices and global technological innovations, highlighting the potential of adaptive urbanism to create inclusive, vibrant, and sustainable urban spaces. The methodology encompasses an extensive exploration of academic databases, employing a thematic and comparative analysis to distill key insights and recurring themes related to the integration of cultural and technological elements in urban development. The findings reveal that local cultures are invaluable assets that contribute significantly to the identity and vibrancy of urban areas, while global technologies offer unprecedented opportunities for enhancing urban efficiency, sustainability, and resilience. However, the review also identifies challenges such as balancing cultural preservation with technological innovation and ensuring equitable access to the benefits of urban development. The synthesis of local cultures and global technologies, as demonstrated through various case studies, underscores the essence of adaptive urbanism and its capacity to foster urban environments that are both culturally resonant and technologically advanced. The review concludes by emphasizing the need for a holistic approach to urban planning that incorporates stakeholder engagement, cultural preservation, digital inclusion, and interdisciplinary collaboration, offering a roadmap for future urban development that is culturally sensitive and technologically informed.
Keywords : Adaptive Urbanism Sustainable Urban Development Cultural Heritage Global Technologies Urban Resilience