HPGR Drum Corrosion Detection Method Using Special Measuring Gauge

Mahdi Abareghi1

1) Department of Manufacturing Engineering. Mechanical engineering, Industrial DesignMaster, s degree, Manufacturing and Production Mechanical Engineering.

Publication : 7th International Conference on Applied Researches in Science & Engineering (7carse.com)
Abstract :
The purpose of the current research was to describe the construction of a measuring gauge to measure the wear of the high pressure grinding roller drum. In the past, the wear rate was measured using unprincipled conventional methods and only using a ruler and a caliper. The obtained wear rate was not exact due to using the improper tools and human error. Thus, implementation a principled method with the minimum allowed error requires making an accurate gauge. The new design includes a crown magnet base and a perforated ruler. The mentioned tool was designed and built and its corrosion rate was examined during two periods according to the obtained graph.
Keywords : High Pressure Grinding Roll Roller Pins Measuring Gauge Perforated Ruler Grade Drum.