Real-Time Posture Warning System for Construction Workers based on IMU Devices

Mohammad Taghi Safari1 Iman Bagheri2 Saeid Alizadeh3

1) Civil Engineering, Independent Researcher, Email:
2) Electrical and Computer Engineering, Independent Researcher, Email:
3) Electrical and Computer Engineering, Independent Researcher,Email:

Publication : 7th International Conference on Applied Researches in Science & Engineering (
Abstract :
Musculoskeletal problems in the neck and lower back are frequent in the construction industry and may lead to operational harm. As a significant risk factor, time spent in dangerous operational positions should be purposefully minimized. This study developed real-time motion warning personal protective equipment based on wearable inertial measurement units, allowing workers to have self-awareness and self-manage ergonomically hazardous operational behaviors for the prevention of. Data processing and real-time warning algorithms are recommended for automatically detecting risk postures and notifying through a connected smartphone application as soon as unsafe operation patterns are discovered. The system was tested and verified with accurate clinical motion data generation and effective alarm ringing in both lab and field tests.
Keywords : Posture Monitoring Wearable Devices IMU Sensors Construction Workers Wireless Technology