Location identification of photovoltaic systems for the utilization of solar energy

Location identification of photovoltaic systems for the utilization of solar energy

Mitra Bagheri1

1) School of Architecture+Design, Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg, VA,US -

Publication : 5th. International Congress On Engineering, Technology and Innovation(eticong.com)
Abstract :
Given the growing needs for various energies and the crisis of ending fossil fuels in the future, the world needs energies to replace them that can be an effective step to reduce pollution from the use of fossil fuels and thus reduce greenhouse gases and prevent environmental degradation. One of the best ways to use solar energy systems today is to use this energy to meet the heating, cooling and electricity needs of buildings. Solar energy is clean and devoid of the destructive environmental effects that have been used by humans in various ways since ancient times, so that countries around the world can use renewable energy as an alternative to renewable energy, especially fossil energy, due to the problems caused by the increase in greenhouse gases. Since buildings consume a large part of fossil energy and release harmful gases into the environment, the use of solar energy and such systems is necessary in architecture.
Keywords : Sustainable architecture solar energy photovoltaics renewable energy