The properties of milk thistle extract and ostrich oil on wound healing and in making wound dressings

Milad kazemi Marasht1 Esmail Fayazi2 Azadeh Asefnejad3

1) Department of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad university, Tehran, Iran,
2) Department of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad university, Tehran, Iran, .
3) Department of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad university, Tehran, Iran,

Publication : 8th International Conference on Applied Researches in Science & Engineering (
Abstract :
Today, humans deal with various issues in their lives, among these issues, we can mention the occurrence of various diseases and the complications caused by these diseases. One of the diseases that humans face is the formation of wounds caused by various injuries or diseases. The skin is a part of the body that consists of hypodermis, epidermis and dermis, the basis of which is that it acts as a barrier to protect the internal tissues against physical damage and any organic pollution and to maintain the balance of body fluids and against trauma. If the human skin is punctured or damaged, the possibility of breaking the first line of the body s defense system is greatly increased and can lead to the invasion of foreign microorganisms into sensitive internal tissues, which can cause tissue necrosis and even death. A wound dressing is a clean pad that is placed over a wound to protect it and help it heal naturally. When dressing a wound, the dressing should be the only item in direct contact with the wound. The dressing should be sterile or completely clean to minimize the possibility of bacteria and other harmful particles entering the body through the wound and causing infection. Wound dressings are materials that are supposed to act as a barrier to protect the wound. Due to the importance of protecting the wound, it is very important to create a suitable dressing for the wound. In this article, we will talk about the properties of milk thistle extract and ostrich oil. Also, the structure of the skin is examined in general and a general explanation about wound dressing and its properties and applications is provided.
Keywords : wound healing wound dressing milk thistle extract ostrich oil