Effects of economic sanctions on private investment for machinery in Iran


1) Iran Islamic Azad university of Firuzkuh Email:

Publication : 3rd.International Conference on Modern Research’s in Management,Economics & Accounting(3meaconf.com)
Abstract :
Every economy Needs to production factor for growth and development. No country can not just rely on their internal resources to experience economic growth, but It should pay particular attention to international resources to increase domestic power production is. Economic sanctions, loss of economic security for domestic and foreign factors of production and the reduced international and domestic sources. The production of the domestic economy of a country abroad and do not have the internal resources to leave the country. Sanctions, the creation of economic insecurity, the desire to reduce investment and reduce swelling in the supply side of the economy at the macro level will rise. Investment spending as a driving force for economic growth and development is remembered. One of the variables that can be changed by changing the macro variables is investment. Private investment, is a part of the total investment that monetary policy can makes many changes to it.
Keywords : sanction economic security private investment machinery