Scheduling of Large Scale Power Plants in the Presence Of Electric Vehicles Considering Uncertainty Using Point Estimate Method

Scheduling of Large Scale Power Plants in the Presence Of Electric Vehicles Considering Uncertainty Using Point Estimate Method

Ehsan Bayat1 Morteza Shafiekhani2 HeidarAli Shayanfar3

1) Parsian Institute of Higher Education Qazvin, Iran
2) Parsian Institute of Higher Education Qazvin, Iran
3) Iran University of Science and Technology Tehran, Iran

Publication : 3rd international conference of Science and Engineering(
Abstract :
At present, production managers of electricity industry show high tendency to use the small generation units connected to the distribution networks and near the consumers instead of the large generation units connected to the transmission network. These small units are called Distributed Generation units. The use of the electrical vehicles will increase due to clean and cheap fuel in the future. Battery charger of these vehicles imposes charge on the power system and power plants. By controlling charge and discharging batteries, battery of these vehicles can be charged in low charge and discharged in peak charge. These power plants reduce dependency of the power system on the expensive power plants in charge peak and reduce the operation cost. The power plant unit commitment is a complex issue and commitment of these units in presence of the electrical vehicles is more complex issue. In this paper, we plan Unit Commitment in the presence of the electrical vehicles and issue of the charge uncertainty has been evaluated with Point Estimate Method.
Keywords : Unit Commitment Uncertainty Electric Vehicles Point Estimate Method.