Classification of the delay factors by using Ishikawa & pmi methods for sustainable constructions

Amir Golestani MOghaddam1 Dean Kumar2

1) university of jntuh( india),
2) university of jntuh( india),

Publication : 3rd International Congress On Civil Engineering, Architecture & Urban Development(
Abstract :
Abstract The construction industry is one of the keys in economic growth sector in the world. Green building is believed to be a more eco-friendly approach in most aspects. The construction of green building is part of sustainable construction. A building that provides the specified building performance requirements while minimizing disturbance to and improving the functioning of local, regional, and global ecosystems both during and after its construction and specified service life which is means green building. The Ishikawa diagram, known as the Fishbone Diagram or cause-effect diagram, is a tool used for systematically identifying and presenting all the possible causes of a particular problem in graphical format. According to the new definitions of management from PMI most experienced project management practitioners recognize there is more than one way to manage a project. The required Process Groups and their processes are guides for applying appropriate project management knowledge and skills during the project. With extracting the delay factors in sustainable constructions and studying about new methods of management which is introduced by PMI and using the Ishikawa diagram, it’s possible to introduce the new classification of delay factors with new methods of management in the way of ameliorate green and sustainable construction projects.
Keywords : Key words: professional management delay sustainable construction Ishikawa diagram