The influence of nano metamaterials on facade and appearance of buildings


1) Bachelor student in Islamic Azad University of Najafabad
2) Professor of Islamic Azad University of Najafabad
3) Professor of Amin University of Foladshahr

Publication : 3rd International Conference On Research Science And Technology(
Abstract :
Abstract The metamaterials are man-made and created by artificial substances , that can not be found in nature. The first implication of nano metamaterials refers to artificial dielectrics and electronic substances. The important trait of their function , is the manipulation of lights such a circular way around the object that can make them invisible . The present research is following the way to answer these questions , Can these materials be used for improving the operation of facades? Do these materials have any function in architecture or not ? or What kind of revolution may be appeared in architecture by these materials? According to physicians researches about metamaterials , has been indicated that ,these substances have an ability to manipulate the lights then disappear themselves . It is axiomatic that , this trait can be used in many fields specially architecture , if they can be controlled and be considered as an increasing thermal capacity and amplification of acoustic feature. By these characteristics, they can have a suitable role in buildings. Keywords: nano metamaterials – building’s form and facade – invisible elevation
Keywords : Keywords: nano metamaterials – building’s form and facade – invisible elevation