Sarooj Ancient Mortar Introduction, it s Mix Design and Application from New Perspective

Karim Moosazadeh Mehrabani1 Dr. Yousef Zandi2

1) MSc. student of civil engeeniring, Department of Civil Engineering, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
2) Member of Academic Staff, Department of Civil Engineering, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran

Publication : International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Cityscape(
Abstract :
Sarooj mortar existed throughout before Islam and has been used frequently in Iran since 1200 B.C . Before using Portland cement as an adhesive material throughout the history. Sarooj has been used until the last decades; across the Persian Gulf, the most different climates which proves that Sarooj is highly compatible with different climates. Though with the advent of new civil technologies in construction field, this mortar became forgotten. This ancient mortar which is considered as one kind of retention mortar is obtained by combining several main ingredients, including (lime+ ash+ sedge+ water) and some other additives. In addition to using this mortar in construction, it is used in decoration, retention and coffering in monuments which is called Sarooj molding (stucco) art. In this article we will focus on recognizing (reviewing) this traditional ancient mortar ingredients, preparation method, and advantages of using this mortar, then we will introduce some ancient monuments constructed using this mortar. Moreover we will introduce some other mortars obtained from main mixture of lime which is called special Sarooj in common word.
Keywords : waterproofed mortar Sarooj Lime Restoration Sarooj ingredients and process