An assessment of strength and weaknesses of Iranian first year high school English textbook using evaluation checklist (or using Jahangard’s checklist)

An assessment of strength and weaknesses of Iranian first year high school English textbook using evaluation checklist (or using Jahangard’s checklist)

Raziyeh Behroozian1 Sama Technical and Vocational College, Islamic Azad University2

1) Raziyeh Behroozian
2) Sama Technical and Vocational College, Islamic Azad University, Sarab Branch, Sarab, Iran

Publication : International Conference on Management and Humanities(
Abstract :
In spite of remarkable progress in teaching and develop new technologies, textbooks play a very crucial role in the process of language teaching and learning. This paper evaluates the first year English textbook which is taught in Iranian high schools. For this purpose, Jahangard’s (1997) textbook evaluation model is employed. The advantages and shortcomings of the textbooks are discussed in detail with reference to 13 common criteria features extracted from different materials evaluation checklists. The results suggest that one of the main factors for the students’ achievement in English language is the ELT textbooks. Throughout the study, Iranian first year high school English textbook was examined with reference to the relevant theoretical background, and the content analysis. The study was carried out at four schools of Tabriz. The researcher used the mixed method, a combination of both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The data were obtained from a total of 126 language learners, both female and male. It was collected through a questionnaire with 34 close-ended questions which were related to the seven sections of the book including the layout or physical make-up, vocabulary, topics and content, grammar points and exercises, language skills, pronunciation practice, and language function and social and cultural activities. Quantitative data were submitted into the SPSS programs. Meanwhile, qualitative data which were related to interview with 14 open- ended questions were given to the teachers and selected students. The researchers suggest that in the textbooks, there should be enough opportunity for the learners to practice the language they are learning communicatively. The research findings make it clear that the current material or textbook cannot meet the Iranian students’ and teachers’ needs and they are not acceptable and desirable for them. It can be concluded that the English book 1 is structural based. So, the writers of the book should modify the textbook by employing more communicative tasks in order to meet the teachers’ expectations and students’ needs.
Keywords : Key words: textbooks evaluation textbook evaluation materials material evaluation checklist criterion task