The learning of a second language and an oral communication

Khalil Nemat1 rozita ilani2

1) Assistant professor of French Language and Literature, department of French, Arak Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran
2) Assistant professor of French Language and Literature, department of French, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran

Publication : The 3rd International Conference on Management and Social Sciences(
Abstract :
In the current world where the globalization reigns and trades brought down barriers between countries, it is more and more important being able to express itself in several languages. Consequently, we speak about the advantages of bi-and about multilingualism; and multiple studies were matched the last decade on the human capacities to acquire the knowledge of several foreign languages. To learn a foreign language will be a true asset in the globalized world of today and will allow understanding the diversity within the company in which we live. It will also offer the possibility to acquire the intercultural skills, which apply in any multilingual or multicultural context. In this search, we try to explain the importance to learn a second language, and to handle the advantages of the bilingualism. It leads us to study the effectiveness factors in the process of acquisition of a second language. However, so that the bilingual can establish a good relation with the others, it has to create a good atmosphere of the communication. Any act of communication occurs in a specific situation. The oral communication establishes the base of the linguistic exchanges; it is also the brand of any language skill. That is why we are going to present elements important in the development of the oral communication. We are finally going to explain the linguistic elements: the lexicon, the grammar and the phonetics, on whom rest all the types of oral expression.
Keywords : linguistic learning bilingualism oral communication