A graph theoretic approach towards performance measurement of a production/distribution system

Moeen Sammak Jalali1 Mohsen Akbarpour Shirazi2

1) PhD Candidate, Faculty of Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, Amirkabir University of Technology- Tehran Polytechnic, Tehran, Iran Email:
2) Assistant Professor, Faculty of Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, Amirkabir University of Technology- Tehran Polytechnic, Tehran, Iran Email:

Publication : The 4th International conference of Science and Engineering(4icesconf.com)
Abstract :
Simplifying production-planning and distribution strategies for demand responsiveness has been well known as a functioning means of accomplishing production-distribution effectiveness. To support efficient decision making in manufacturing surroundings, this study will emphasis on adopting graph-rewriting systems. It will attempt to focus on bringing forward a novel structure, helping companies in order to use production/distribution strategies with the intention of 1: identifying the conflicting nodes and the relations between them 2: proposing dialectical prioritization rules and techniques by means of graph coloring concepts for solving the conflicts and 3: reorganizing the system and evaluate performance. We will use graph-coloring so as to solve the possible conflicts among various nodes (for instance, workstations in production environments as well as nodes in the distribution systems) and present an upper bound for the chromatic number of such systems.
Keywords : Production/ Distribution system; Performance Evaluation; Graph theory; Hybrid production systems.