A comprehensive meta-analysis of effectiveness of therapeutic interventions to improve the symptoms of autism in Iran (2005-2013)

A comprehensive meta-analysis of effectiveness of therapeutic interventions to improve the symptoms of autism in Iran (2005-2013)

Mohaddeseh Taghinejad1 Ahmad Yarmohammadyian2 Maryam Samadi3 Fateme saadat pour4 Abdoalhosein Shamsi5

1) Iran university of Isfahan Email:
2) Iran university of Isfahan Email:
3) Iran university of Isfahan Email:
4) Iran university of Ferdowsi Mashhad Email:
5) Iran university of Isfahan Email:

Publication : 2nd.International Conference ON Humanities, Psychology and Social Science(2hpsconf.com)
Abstract :
Considering the importance and the need to provide interventions to improve the impairments of autism disorder in order to prevent future problems, this study used meta-analysis of the research model on the impact of therapeutic interventions (other than non-pharmaceutical interventions) to improve the symptoms of autism in Iran. So, 21 researches adopted in this study, were performed and selected for meta-analysis. The research instrument was a meta-analysis checklist. The rate of effect size for effectiveness of interventions to improve the symptoms of autism reported r = 0.78 (P<0/001). The meta-analysis of this study showed that the effect size according to Cohen s table is high.
Keywords : Meta-analysis Autism disorder Therapeutic intervention