The effect of multimedia games on Persian EFL learners affective factors: interest and motivation

The effect of multimedia games on Persian EFL learners affective factors: interest and motivation

Samira Ghanbaran1 Mansoor Tavakoli2 Saeed Ketabi3

1) university of Isfahan:
2) university of Isfahan
3) university of Isfahan

Publication : 2nd International Conference on Behavioral Science and Social Studies(
Abstract :
Abstract Educational games and simulations have been found to be effective in motivating students to learn (Ke, 2008). New technologies introduce various teaching aids to make language learning more enjoyable and interesting. The present study aims to identify the effect of multimedia games on learners interest and motivation while playing multimedia games in the classroom. Eighty beginner Persian EFL learners from a language center were chosen. In the first phase, they participate in the traditional classroom (teacher and board). In second phase, they experienced multimedia games. To achieve the goal, an A-CALL questionnaire, a translated version of Vandewaetere & Desmet (2009), and a survey was done. The data obtained were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. Based upon the results the playing multimedia games had a positive influence on learners to make them more interested and motivated. Findings revealed that there are statistically positive attitudes towards computer-assisted language learning in multimedia classroom.
Keywords : Key Words: Multimedia games CALL interest motivation classroom learning