Modeling a novel resource-constrained project scheduling problem

B. Shah-Hoseini1 S.M.T. Fatemi Ghomi2 M. Karimi-Nasab3 Moeen Sammak Jalali4

1) Department of Industrial Engineering, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran Email:
2) Full professor, Faculty of Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, Amirkabir University of Technology-Tehran Polytechnic, Tehran, Iran Email:
3) Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran Email:
4) PhD Candidate, Faculty of Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, Amirkabir University of Technology-Tehran Polytechnic, Tehran, Iran

Publication : 2nd. International Conference on Management & Industrial Engineering(
Abstract :
This paper provides mathematical analysis for a resource-constrained project scheduling problem in two folds: mathematical formulation, and algorithm development. Correspondingly, the problem has some special assumptions such as (i) resources need a lag time after each use in order to have recovery/service, (ii) each activity can be compressed, and (iii) project available budget is limited. This problem is rarely analyzed in the literature especially for the case of dedicated resources, while we develop a special-purpose algorithm that defeats general-purpose solver Lingo 11.0 on different test problems. The proposed algorithm uses problem characteristics in the form of guiding rules efficiently. At the end, computational experiences are reported.
Keywords : Project scheduling Resource-constrained Activity compressibility Budget