New approaches in language teaching for Dyslexic students

Elmira Safaei1 Zahra Parishani2

1) Master student in Linguistics,Shahid Beheshti University
2) Master Student in linguistics,Shahid beheshti University, Email:

Publication : 3rd International Conference on Researches in Accounting, Economics, Management & Humanities(
Abstract :
Dyslexia is a common learning disorder that affects individuals ability to read and write. Teaching language to dyslexic students presents unique challenges and requires innovative approaches tailored to their specific needs. This paper presents a theoretical framework based on learning theories such as Cognitive Load Theory, Dual Coding Theory, Experiential Learning Theory, and Cognitive Psychology Theory to provide effective instructional strategies for dyslexic students. By utilizing multisensory supports such as images, animations, and audio prompts, the cognitive load associated with processing verbal information can be reduced for these students. Additionally, language mapping activities and experiential learning provide opportunities for a deeper understanding of linguistic concepts through direct experience. Furthermore, linguistic and graphic adaptation of texts, considering the special needs of dyslexic students, can facilitate the learning process for them. This paper illustrates the application of these approaches in teaching language to dyslexic students through examples and empirical evidence, and offers recommendations for teachers, instructional designers, and educational policymakers.
Keywords : Language teaching learning theories multisensory supports Dyslexia