Cancer and tissue engineering

leila rezakhani1 morteza alizadeh2 akram alizadeh3 esmaeel sharifi4

1) Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences email:
2) Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences
3) Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences
4) Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences

محل انتشار : سومین کنفرانس بین المللی علوم مهندسی و تکنولوژی(
Abstract :
There is increasing recognition that three-dimensional (3D) tissue culture technologies have many uses within the biomedical sciences beyond the scope of regenerative medicine. One such use is in the field of cancer biology, where a 3D tumor model that accurately recreates the in vivo tumor phenotype would be a valuable tool for studying tumor biology and would allow better preclinical evaluation of anticancer drug candidates. Advances in tissue engineering have traditionally led to the design of scaffold- or matrix-based culture systems that better reflect the biological, physical and biochemical environment of the natural extracellular matrix. Anti-angiogenic agents have been accepted for clinical application as attractive targeted therapeutics for the treatment of cancer. Combining the areas of tumour angiogenesis, combination therapies and drug delivery systems is therefore closely related to the understanding of the basic principles that are applied in tissue engineering models. Studies with 3D model systems have repeatedly identified complex interacting roles of matrix stiffness and composition, integrins, growth factor receptors and signalling in development and cancer.
Keywords : cancer, tissue engineering