Application and Concepts of Biomimicry in Architectural Designing and Engineering

Peyman Naghipour1

1) Associate Degree, Architectural drawing string - Architectural orientation and Saba Higher Education Institute, Orumieh, Iran - Email:

Publication : 4th.International Conference on Researches in Science & Engineering & International Congress on Civil, Architecture and Urbanism in Asia(
Abstract :
In all sciences, nature is used as a guiding spirit. A domain exists which makes progress through the imitation and observation of nature. This domain, which is called biomimicry, can be expressed as the imitation of the life system in nature. As in many areas, in the field of architectural design behaviour is seen to imitate nature. In the search of sustainable building design and technology Biomimicry is an alternative solution. The inspiration from nature is driving force in architecture, resulting in majestic works of architecture. Biomimicry is about solution refined and developed by nature. For any sustainable building design, need to consider structural efficiency, water efficiency, zero-waste systems, thermal environment, and energy supply. Biomimicry is about solutions. Biological organisms refined and developed by natural selection over a billion year research and development period can be seen as embodying technologies, functions, and systems that are solutions to the problem of surviving in nature. These problems are often equivalent to those encountered by humans as we seek new ways to design and live sustainably, and in many cases have solved the same problems with a far greater economy of means. This paper aims at revealing how radical increase in resource efficiency can be achieved by looking to the nature for inspiration. Exploring the application of Biomimicry in current architectural design, resulting in a set of design approaches, levels and principles. The paper also discuss about the architects work inspired by nature.
Keywords : Architecture Biomimicry Sustainable Building Interior Designing.