The Use of Advanced Nano-Fuel Catalysts to Reduce Fuel Consumption on Passenger Aircraft

The Use of Advanced Nano-Fuel Catalysts to Reduce Fuel Consumption on Passenger Aircraft

Farshid Bazmi1 Nematollah Mardanian2

1) PhD in Aerospace Engineering in Propulsion, Director of Industrial Research Center in Aerospace, Iran, Tehran -
2) MS.c in Management, Babel Noandishan Parsian Co. CEO, Iran, Qazvin -

Publication : 3rd International Conference on Applied Researches in Science & Engineering(
Abstract :
The purpose of producing new generations of airplanes is to reduce fuel consumption and pollutant emission. In the present article we have tried to investigate the benefits of using Nano-particles in aircraft fuels. Several nanostructure materials have been specified which can be added to fuels; in addition their effects on the density of propellant energy have been analyzed too. Nevertheless, linear combustion deflagration rate in Nitromethane containing colloidal additives has been observed and recorded. Reaction and ignition speed are considered as functions of density of the additive and the pressure of the system. The relation between power and pressure is qualitatively approved by the theory of the premixed flame. These Nano particles act as catalyzers and reduce the amount of heat required for chemical reactions relating to combustion of air/fuel mixtures. In this case, a much less density of fuel is needed for combustion while the efficiency of engines of the aircraft would be increased significantly.
Keywords : reduce fuel consumption reduce pollutants nano-particles catalyst