Dynamic analysis of hybrid Make-To-Stock/Make-To-Order production systems

Moeen Sammak Jalali1 Prof. Dr. S. M. T. Fatemi Ghomi2 Prof. Dr. Masoud Rabbani3

1) PhD Candidate-Eminent student, Department of Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, Amirkabir University of Technology- Tehran Polytechnic, Tehran, Iran
2) Full Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering & Management Systems, Amirkabir University of Technology- Tehran Polytechnic, Tehran, Iran
3) Full Professor, School of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

Publication : 1st International Conference on Technological Business Empowerment & Solutions in Technology and Engineering(tiet2019.ir)
Abstract :
Hybrid Make-To-Stock (MTS)/Make-To-Order (MTO) production system takes advantages of both pure MTS and MTO systems and therefore, is regarded as a valuable production system in order to respond today’s market conditions such as demand uncertainty, shortage of raw materials, and high inventory holding costs. The aim of this study is to investigate such systems through covering most of the influential factors that have not been taken into account so far. Hence, a system dynamics (SD) model is proposed in this study considering three different series of workstations (MTS, MTO, and MTS/MTO) in a manufacturing firm with a continuous production line. Moreover, this study considers the impacts of some significant, exogenous variables such as different outlays including operating expenses, holding costs, and the company’s net profit. The sensitivity analysis of the proposed model and the outputs ensures the rectitude of the defied SD model and its logical behavior against critical decision-making situations.
Keywords : Production planning; Make to stock/Make to order; System dynamics; Capacity coordination;