Architecture Design Guidelines for Tall Buildings (Study Area: City of Ottawa)

Abdollah Baghaei Daemei1 Alireza Khameneh2 Mohsen Pilcheshm3 Fatemeh Haghkhah4

1) Editorial Board of International Journal of Sustainable and Green Energy, USA
2) MSc of Architecture, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran
3) BSc of Architecture, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran
4) BSc of Architecture, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran

Publication : International Conference on Engineering & Technology - Norway (
Abstract :
Tall buildings have been part of Ottawa s urban landscape since the early twentieth century. More recently, tall building development has been influenced by sustainable design and construction methods, with factors such as energy efficiency, indoor environmental quality, and building performance playing an increasingly important role in determining tall building form. Many buildings today are also capitalizing on technological advancements and economic advantages resulting in ever greater building heights. While it is an exciting time in the history of tall buildings in Ottawa, many new questions and challenges have emerged. The Tall Building Design Guidelines do not determine where tall buildings are permitted. Rather, the Guidelines assist with the implementation of Official Plan policy to help ensure that tall buildings, where they are permitted, fit within their context and minimize their local impacts. The main objective of this study is to provide architectural design guidelines for high-rise buildings in the city of Ottawa, which includes has examined various aspects of design strategies.
Keywords : Architecture Design guidelines Tall building Ottawa