Introducing and evaluating a variety of self-compacting concrete tests and examining the proper mixing plan

Introducing and evaluating a variety of self-compacting concrete tests and examining the proper mixing plan

Hossein Tajaddini1 Masoud Lakzadeh2 Alireza Daroian3

1) master of civil engineering structure- manager of diaco engineering company
2) Department of Civil Engineering, Lecturer at Shahid Chamran University, Kerman, Iran
3) Civil Engineering student of Shahid Chamran Technical and Vocational university

Publication : International Congress On Engineering, Technology and Innovation(
Abstract :
Abstract About 30 years since the construction of the first self-compacting concrete (SCC) sample in Japan by H.Okanura, no standards have yet been set for the mixing scheme of this type of concrete, and only guidance recommendations are provided. The mixing plan of this type of concrete is based on the test and the fault. Concrete is a self-compacting concrete that has been able to provide the necessary behavioral and applicability characteristics in execution without any internal or external vibrator. Due to the lack of skilled labor, it is considered to be an appropriate product to reduce operating costs. In this paper, the interpretation and comparison of the types of experiments necessary to evaluate the properties of self-compacting concrete are discussed.
Keywords : Keywords: self-compacting concrete mixing design concrete performance.