Comparison of the durability of structures constructed with self-compacting concrete in corrosive and non-corrosive environments

Comparison of the durability of structures constructed with self-compacting concrete in corrosive and non-corrosive environments

Hossein Tajaddini1 Masoud Lakzadeh2 Mohammadsaleh Taghipour3

1) master of civil engineering structure- manager of diaco engineering company
2) Department of Civil Engineering, Lecturer at Shahid Chamran University, Kerman, Iran
3) Civil Engineering student of Shahid Chamran Technical and Vocational university

Publication : 1st. International Congress on Science, Engineering and Technology (
Abstract :
Abstract Today, the presence of concrete in the body of structures is a clear and veritable reason for its numerous preference. Precision in the production and execution of reinforced concrete structures is essential. However, when we look at the concrete viewpoint, we find that in concrete environments, concrete stability has always been a serious problem in marine environments. Self-compacting with respect to its unique density and quality, it is more durable than Conventional concrete. The durable proposition is one in which there are two aspects of economic and safety, which, if not sufficiently precise, will cause financial, psychological and even environmental threats. The durability of concrete, in contrast to environmental conditions, such as acid rain, chemical erosion and the effects of physical wear, can be varied, and the use of concrete in different members of the structure can cause the shape and properties of the concrete to be changed manually; therefore, it has been tried and tested. The content of this paper reflects the durability and durability of structures constructed with concrete SCC. Also, in this paper we are going to compare the effect of corrosive and non-corrosive environments on concrete durability.
Keywords : Key words: self-compacting concrete durability corrosive environments non-corrosive environments.