Assessment of surface runoff management using best management practices method: A case study in Tehran, Iran

Assessment of surface runoff management using best management practices method: A case study in Tehran, Iran

Amir Hossein Sovizi1

1) Bachelor Student of Civil Engineering, Islamic Azad University Shahr Rey Branch, Tehran, Iran

Publication : The 1st International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture & Urban Regeneration(
Abstract :
Surface runoff control is one of the important methods of preventions of urban floods. The runoffs are the result of rain heavy in an area that has inappropriate vegetation and soil impervious. That s why, in this article in order to reduce runoff, used from method low impact development and best management practice (LID BMP). In this research with use SWMM software, area of study modeled and using from ArcGIS and google earth gradient map area, are obtained. Also used from 2 types of LID controls that including a green roof and infiltration trench. the results of this article demonstrated that a significantly the amount of surface runoff discharge rate in compared to with without the use of the LID controls mode decreased. This concept is understood to be that using two concurrent strategies surface runoff of an area can be effectively controlled and also the best way it can be managed.
Keywords : surface runoff preventions floods LID BMP green roof infiltration trench Swmm ArcGIS Google earth