Wood-to-energy Conversion Technologies Evaluation in Tile Industry by Borda Method

Wood-to-energy Conversion Technologies Evaluation in Tile Industry by Borda Method

fatemeh najafi1 alireza izadi2 masoud fouladkar3

1) nmaster student-industrial management-operational research-ferdowsi university of mashhad- iran-
2) nmaster student-industrial management-operational research-ferdowsi university of mashhad-
3) master-ceramic and material engineering- azad university of tehran-iran

Publication : International Conference on Engineering & Technology - Norway (icetconf.com)
Abstract :
Industrial development and economic growth lead to a copious amount of waste production like wood, wastewater, industrial waste, organic and agricultural residue, animal manure, etc. In order to reduce adverse impacts of waste materials on environment and increase atmosphere quality by GHG emission, waste reduction, waste separation and material retrieval are vital. Ceramic and tile industry contains different waste materials such as wastewater, wood waste, solid waste, waste heat, etc. In this paper, we evaluate different technologies for wood to energy conversion. All information and opinions were gathered using experts of Firouzeh Tile Company of Mashhad in Iran. Borda method is used to select appropriate technology based on technologies’ characteristics. To this purpose, 20 experts answered the online questionnaire for ranking the technologies. The results show that pyrolysis is the best technology to convert wood to energy. Then, combustion and gasification are the second and third options to choose based on experts’ opinions.
Keywords : Tile Wooden Wastes Technology Borda method