Enhancement mechanical strength of epoxy nanocomposites by Tannic acid/graphene oxide

Enhancement mechanical strength of epoxy nanocomposites by Tannic acid/graphene oxide

Nadia fakhari1 Laleh Rajabi2

1) 1. Department of Petroleum and Chemical Engineering, Collage of Engineering, University of Razi, Kermanshah- 67149, Iran, Email:
2) 2. Department of Petroleum and Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Razi, Kermanshah- 67149, Iran, Email:

Publication : International Conference on Engineering & Technology - Norway (icetconf.com)
Abstract :
Research on improving the mechanical properties of epoxy resins using biobased modifiers and graphene derivatives is still a challenge. In this study, an approach was proposed to enhance the strength of epoxy resin with graphene oxide (GO) with amine intermediate and its functionalization with tannic acid (TA), a common polyphenolic compound. For this purpose, GO is first prepared by a modified Hummers method and then functionalized with sodium metabisulfite and ammonia to form a suitable substrate for the addition of TA. Finally, TA is added to the aminated graphene oxide (AmGO). The results show that TA modified by AmGO can make the epoxy resin significantly rigid even better than Epoxy/GO composites. The results of this study showed adding only 0.1% by weight. TA-AmGO to epoxy increase tensile strength and Young s modulus 91.33% and 91.29%, respectively. In this paper, improved tannic acid with graphene oxide is proposed as an effective modifier of the mechanical properties of epoxy resins.
Keywords : Mechanical properties epoxy nanocomposites graphene oxide Tannic acid Tensile test