Improving vascular occlusion diseases through engineering methods and 3D printing of artificial arteries

Improving vascular occlusion diseases through engineering methods and 3D printing of artificial arteries

anita varshovi1 armin varshovi2

1) Bachelor of Biomedical engineering Student, Kashan Branch of Azad University, Young Researchers Club, Kashan Branch of Medical Sciences Research Center
2) Electronic Bachelor s Student, Rajaei Vocational Technical University, Kashan Branch -

Publication : 2nd. International Congress on science & Engineering - paris(
Abstract :
Cardiovascular disease is one of the most common causes of death. In the treatment of these diseases, one of the most common medical procedures is to replace the blocked or narrowed part of the arteries, and currently the best vascular transplant is related to auto graft transplantation. In general, the saphenous vein, intrauterine radial arteries, are considered as the vessels of choice for vascular replacement, but in many heart patients, the vessels in the patient s body are affected for a variety of reasons, including age, small size, previous impressions, or other disorders. Not usable. Therefore, the demand for alternative vessels, especially the connection of small diameter vessels, and having desirable alternatives in this field will be necessary and unavoidable. Today, tissue engineering seeks to design and build artificial arteries with the greatest adaptation to natural arteries. Also, strong and advanced technology in biomaterials and bioreactor technology has led to the production of strong artificial vein scaffolding, which optimally presupposes vascular replacement. Accept reliably and confidently. In this article, we want to introduce you to ways to remove vascular obstruction and the technology of making thematic vessels by medical engineers.
Keywords : Artificial vein scaffolding vascular occlusion Nanofibers 3d printing micro robot BME