Performance evaluation of a novel class of planar parallel mechanisms with kinematic redundancy

Bahman Nouri Rahmat Abadi1 Mojtaba Mahzoon2 Mehrdad Farid3

1) School of Mechanical Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran Email:
2) School of Mechanical Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran Email:
3) School of Mechanical Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran Email:

Publication : 10th International Conference on Mechanical, Construction, Industrial and Civil Engineering(
Abstract :
This paper deals with the performance evaluation of a novel class of kinematically redundant planar parallel mechanisms. First, the architectures of the proposed mechanisms, one with 3-CRPR structure and the other with 3-CPRR one, are elaborated. Then, Kinematics of the proposed mechanisms is studied and the homogeneous Jacobian matrices are obtained. Finally, the conditioning, velocity, payload and stiffness indices are developed to compare the performance of the introduced mechanisms with those of similar size non-redundant mechanisms.
Keywords : Kinematic redundancy performance evaluation parallel mechanisms.