Simulation and investigation of the influence of some parameters in the hot forging process of steel cylinders

Simulation and investigation of the influence of some parameters in the hot forging process of steel cylinders

Ali Jafari Karafestani1

1) Undergraduate Student, Department of mechanical engineering, University of Tafresh, Arak, Iran

Publication : 10th International Conference on Mechanical, Construction, Industrial and Civil Engineering(
Abstract :
Metal forming processes are among the most important processes in the industry that have been common since ancient times. One of the most important types of shaping operations is forging. In the case of metals such as steel, The most suitable forging operation is hot forging. In this study, hot forging was performed on a cylindrical piece of steel, which we used to simulate from Abaqus software version 6.14. We used two different methods for elementing in the software and by comparing the solution time and the results, we came to the conclusion that the time is longer, but due to the large deformation, the use of the Adaptive Mesh method is more accurate. Also, by examining the mold temperature, we found that it does not have much effect on stress and other parameters. And by examining the friction and increasing its coefficient, we gradually observed an increase in temperature in the part and its effect on stress was also seen.
Keywords : hot forging die temperature friction adaptive mesh