A framework of urban furniture design for crime reduction

Ali Faraji1 Ahmad Farkhondeh2

1) Assistant
2) M.A. Student

Publication : 10th International Conference on Mechanical, Construction, Industrial and Civil Engineering(mmiconf.com)
Abstract :
Crime increasing and its consequences is one of the obvious manifestations of urbanization development. The inefficiency of urban spaces such as inefficient urban furniture and disregard for its practical and aesthetic values has been recognized as one of the most influential factors in crime in cities. Lack of context-based design, ignoring the needs of residents, and mere copying of modern equipment, has emptied the furniture of today s cities from aesthetic and functional values to inefficient elements and visual and even environmental pollutants. This leads to abandonment of urban spaces and non-use of equipment, and there is no doubt that there is a high correlation between the absence of humans as observer eyes in urban space and the increase in crime and sabotage in these spaces. The purpose of this study is to provide an urban furniture design framework to help urban furniture design to prevent crime and improve quality of life. The method of this research is based on a descriptive aspect rather than an exploratory one and introduces the necessary principles, features, and considerations in the field of anti-crime urban furniture. The data used for explanation have been obtained from collecting, describing, and organizing documentary and library resources in the form of subject research. To maintain the effectiveness of urban spaces, the physical and psychological aspects must be compatible between the qualitative elements and the social and cultural characteristics of the citizens. Psychologically, increasing traffic and lighting in environments with high crime rates and designing happy environments can prevent crime and reduce fear of crime. It is noted that the use of urban furniture as one of the tools of environmental design in crime prevention is considered, a design guide in five dimensions including practical criteria about the design of urban furniture with a crime prevention approach is presented.
Keywords : Urban furniture design urban space crime reduction security Industrial Design