Comparative evaluation and comparison of bionic architecture at national and international levels

Tina Bagherzadeh Moghadam1

1) Iran University of Parand Email:

Publication : International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology(
Abstract :
Human has been exploring nature since its inception, a nature that has always been unknown and mysterious to him. He gradually took out the words of nature from the nature heart nature and put them together in his mind. We have seen the approach to nature throughout the history of architecture in the works of many elders. Ironically, all the architects who have been inspiring by the nature have been able to achieve valuable practical and theoretical achievements. Bionics and Architecture Bionics is a science that technically inspires buildings from the different behaviors and relationships of the living world and solves technical problems in biological ways. Bionic architecture, or the science of examining the system of livings life, is now one of the top three sciences in the world. Enlivening the building is one of the tendencies of bionic architecture that the designers of the field, given the power of the structure to breathe (being alive), achieve it through straight lines or pure curves and slow induction of structural integrity. The most important thing about bionic architecture is that the building can induce its viability. The present study, with a descriptive-analytical approach, examines bionic architecture at national and international levels and introduces the most important works in this type of architecture. Surveys show that although bionic architectural styles are widespread and widely accepted throughout the world today, it should be borne in mind that the implementation of components of nature and the surrounding environment is not an easy task for any project and all geographical, climatic, economic and other issues must be considered should include an Abstract that has been composed between 120 and 300 words in one paragraph including left and right margins, which should be 35 mm from the edges of the paper. This section should independently explain the subject, aims, research method and a summary of the article s results. However, it is not considered as a preface. Mentioning the references must be avoided in this section. The font to this section is (Times New Roman 11pt). The position of the title in this section is 120 mm from the top of the page or upper edge
Keywords : Architecture Bionic Nature National International