Experimental Study on Effect of External Geometry of Pipeline on Flow pattern

Gholam Hossein Saghi1 Majid Vahdani Asadi2 Mojtaba Damroudi3

1) Managing Director and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Water and Sewerage Company, Bojnourd, North Khorasan, Iran.
2) Water resources development expert of Water and Sewerage Company, Bojnourd,North Khorasan, Iran.
3) Ph.D student, Department of Civil Engineering, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Isfahan, Iran.

Publication : 5th International Conference on Applied Researches in Science & Engineering - Amsterdam(5carse.com)
Abstract :
The pipelines are often laid directly on the seabed and riverbed erosions may change the flow pattern around it, causing local scour around the pipeline and self-burial processes. Therefore, if the pipeline self-burial process accelerates, it can be used as a low-cost option instead of a mechanical trenching. The use of a spoiler is one of the approaches to accelerate the scouring and self-burial processes. In addition, todays, for the transmission of electric and telecommunication cables through the seabed, a pipeline with a small diameter is used on top of the main pipe (known as Piggyback line), which can affect the flow pattern around the pipeline. In this study, the effect of the external geometry of the pipeline (due to the use of spoiler and Piggyback line) on the flow pattern around the pipe under a unidirectional flow were studied.
Keywords : Local Scour Pipeline Spoiler Piggyback Self-Burial Flow Pattern