A systematic investigation on the positive influences of a new additive consisting of an electrospinned fibre, nano silica and silica on the tensile and compressive strength of the ordinary and self-compacting concrete: An engineering study

A systematic investigation on the positive influences of a new additive consisting of an electrospinned fibre, nano silica and silica on the tensile and compressive strength of the ordinary and self-compacting concrete: An engineering study

Mahdi Aminoleslami1

1) Master of Engineering in environmental engineering, The University of New South Wales (UNSW), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Sydney, Australia,

Publication : 3rd International Congress On Engineering, Technology and Innovation(eticong.com/3rd)
Abstract :
Silica and nano silica powder mixed with fibres was used to enhance the mechanical properties of ordinary and self-compacting concrete (SCC), as an efficient additive. For obtaining this goal, the type II Portland cement, fine and coarse aggregates, and taps water mixed with 0-7% of prepared hybrids by the weight of cement. SCC tests, which made the SCC acceptable, were done, and then 3 cube samples (150*150*150mm) were molded for each dosage of hybrid. After 28 days all samples tested to record the compressive and tensile strength. The results showed that the compressive and tensile strength of SCC, improved 15.7%, for the dosage of 2% of hybrid. The rate compressive strength and tensile strength of ordinary concrete also increased up to 14% and 16.5% at the dosage of 3% and 2% of additive, respectively, so the prepared hybrid at the dosage of 2-3% could be utilize to improve the strength of SCC and ordinary concrete.
Keywords : Concrete Fibres Silica Compressive strength Tensile strength