Mathematical Modeling and Energy Consumption of Drying Food Waste in Cabinet Dryer

Ahmad Khaloahmadi1 Ali Mohammad Borghei2 Omid Reza Roustapour3

1) Department of Biosystems Mechanics (Renewable Energy), Eghlid Branch, Islamic Azad University, Eghlid,
2) Department of Biosystems Mechanics , Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Research Sciences Branch, Tehran, Iran, Email:
3) Department of Agricultural Engineering Research, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Karaj, Iran. Email:

Publication : 3rd International Congress On Engineering, Technology and Innovation(
Abstract :
Providing new solutions to control food waste is one of the most important issues in maintaining public health. Drying is a good solution for environmental management. This paper present was investigated mathematical modeling, energy consumption, and drying time of food waste in cabinet dryer. The experiments were performed at three temperatures of 50, 60, and 70 ° C and three air velocities of 1, 1.5, and 2 ms-1 with the thickness of 3 cm on the drying of food waste. The experimental data were fitted to seven drying models. The most suitable model was selected to best describe the drying behavior of food waste. The values of the coefficient of determination (R2), sum of squared absolute error (SSE) and root mean square error (RMSE) were used to determine the goodness of the quality of the fit. The results showed that the Logarithmic and Page models were the most suitable to describe the drying process of food waste. The minimum drying time was 70 ° C and 2 ms-1 and the maximum drying time was 50 ° C and 1 ms-1. Also, the lowest energy consumption was at 70° c and 2 ms-1 and the highest energy consumption was at 50 °c and 1ms-1.
Keywords : energy mathematical modeling drying food waste