Assessing Social Sustainability for Achieving Sustainable Architecture

Amirali gharagozlou1 Alireza gharagozlou2

1) Bachelor student of architecture at Kharazmi University of tehran -
2) Associate Professor,Faculty of Civil Engineering,Water and Environment, Shahid Beheshti University -

Publication : 5th.International Conference & 6th.National Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture, Art and Urban Design(
Abstract :
what are the implications for the architectural profession if we are not able to articulate what it is, we do. The consequences of our professional lexicon go beyond being a matter of academic interest. Precise terminology in practice, especially in the early design stages and briefing process is critical, as decisions taken rely on all actors to ‘speak the same language. Environment, ecosystem, harmful emissions, citizens’ health, energy consumption, sustainable development. It is a non-exhaustive list of terms that are part of our daily life and that show how much responsibility the human imprint has today on the state of health of the planet. Despite the fact that they have been deadlines for some decades, at the head of all the programmatic statements on development, issued by international bodies and governments, the situation does not seem to improve. in recent years everything that has to do with architectural design, from the choices of materials to the technologies used, has had to deal with the term sustainability, whose meaning, despite trying to place it in a unique defining apparatus, always takes on nuances and different meanings. Sustainability is an inherent urban and architectural problem. It is simultaneously characterized by many different dimensions, pursuing heterogeneous and often conflicting objectives .To help address these complexities in a structured way, this paper illustrates an integrated assessment framework to tackle social sustainability, in order to support the decision making process towards sustainable architecture .The aim of this paper is to propose a decision support methodological framework for the analysis, graphical visualization and evaluation of social sustainability of architectural combines three methods: first, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats analysis, to get a guided understanding of the project and detect the best design strategies; second, the Stakeholder Analysis, to develop a strategic view of the actors involved; third, the Social Return of the Investment as a methodological tool for social impact assessment.
Keywords : sustainable architecture social sustainability environment sustainable architecture analysis sustainable cultural