Investigating the relationship between brainwaves and neuromarketing: a systematic review

Investigating the relationship between brainwaves and neuromarketing: a systematic review

Sajad Shakeri1 Rasool Norouziseyedhosseini2

1) Master s student in marketing management in sport, Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
2) Associate Professor of Sport Management, Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

Publication : The first international conference and the second national conference of sports management with organizational health approach(
Abstract :
Background: Today, satisfaction is a short-term phenomenon and the risk of losing customers may even include the most loyal customers. Researches have shown that most of the products chosen by customers are done for reasons that the customer is not aware of. so there is a need to use science that can help researchers in marketing so that they can reach the customer s subconscious. The necessity is felt. This science is called neuromarketing, which is a combination of three fields of neuroscience, psychology and marketing, and as a new marketing method, it can help marketers to have a better understanding of consumers. The tools used in neuromarketing include three groups: 1) Metabolic tools (PET, fMRI, fNIRS) 2) Brain electrical tools (EEG, MEG, SST, TMS) and 3) Non-brain (physiological) which unlike the first and second groups of changes They record outside the brain, including (Eyetracking, GSR, fEMG, ECG). These techniques provide marketers with insights into how advertising messages, brand images, product packaging, pricing strategies, and other marketing stimuli are perceived and processed. By understanding the neural mechanisms underlying consumer behavior, neuromarketing seeks to optimize marketing strategies and improve the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, product design, and brand positioning. It can help marketers adjust their strategies based on neuromarketing data. Purpose: The purpose of this research is to investigate the changes in brain waves (delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma) on attention, emotions, preferences, and memory when faced with advertisements. Methodology: The research method is library-based, with a systematic search based on keywords related to neuromarketing in sports, including neuromarketing , attention , electroencephalography , emotions . And it was Memory , we found 32 articles in the Google Scholar database. With the analysis done, 4 articles were not in line with our topic and were left out, and then among the 28 articles, we summarized, classified and compared the information about brain waves in these articles. Results: In general, indicators of decreasing alpha power in the forehead due to attention, asymmetry of alpha with emotions, an increase in the theta band in the midline and sometimes confusion, and possibly an increase in the gamma band in areas of the brain with memory and an increase in the theta band in the left forehead area compared to the right. Forehead is related to preference. Conclusion: Neuromarketing uses the principles of neuroscience to understand consumer behavior and decision-making processes, and with its help, it is possible to discover the emotional and cognitive stimuli that lead consumers to make purchasing decisions. It causes companies to adjust their marketing strategy in such a way that they receive a favorable response from their target audience. Innovation: Unfortunately, the articles written in the country which connection between the sports industry and neuromarketing are very few and limited, and in many articles it is not said that what are the most important indicators of neuromarketing that the devices measure? Therefore, we tried to take a step in fill this research gap by writing this article.
Keywords : neuromarketing attention electroencephalography emotions Memory