Ecosystem-Based Tourism Accommodation Management, Ecological phenomenology approach

Ecosystem-Based Tourism Accommodation Management, Ecological phenomenology approach

Majid Ahmadi1

1) M.A. Art Research, Payam Noor University, Tehran,Iran.

Publication : 6th International Congress of Developing Agriculture, Natural Resources, Environment and Tourism of Iran(
Abstract :
Ecosystem-based tourism accommodation management is associated with the terms of nature, environment, and visual, auditory aesthetics. Ecosystem-based tourism is related with restoration, architecture, archeology, agriculture, handicrafts, cultural heritage, communication, information technology, landscapes, views, hiking trails, plants, forests, art works, passages and yards, hills and rivers, rehabilitation, reconstruction, animals, birds, crossings, and finally sustainable tourism. A significant number of works of human art are located in the ecological habitat and in the nature bed, i.e., farms, river, foothills, mountains, forests, hiking trails, tourist routes; therefor ecological tourism resort has a variety of ecosystems from mountainous and stepped areas to forested, coastal, desert areas, with buildings, landscapes, geo parks and man-made of art works. Each has its own management. And the hypothesis of this article is that if there is a data network, the data of ecosystem accommodation in the tourism ecosystem network facilitates and updates the management and preparing a worksheet for measurement of tourism accommodation ecosystem-based.
Keywords : Management Tourism Accommodation Ecosystem-based Network