Technical response based on electric vehicle range anxiety with a pattern of social correlation between renewable energy and consumer perception EV

Technical response based on electric vehicle range anxiety with a pattern of social correlation between renewable energy and consumer perception EV

hossein samadzadeh1 seyed amir hasan batahei2

1) PhD student in Power Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Damavand Branch
2) Master of Renewable Energy in Kerman University of Industrial and Advanced Technologies

Publication : International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering, Innovation and Technology - Belgium(
Abstract :
In this article, an engineering and technical response is provided to remove the barriers to the use of electric vehicles, especially domain anxiety, which are psychological and technical factors of consumers non-use of electric vehicles. In addition, this answer has been proposed as a way to unify and flatten people s social demands for technology and provide them from an engineering and technical point of view with the so-called social and technology (correlation), which is briefly mentioned in the connection model. It is also proposed to build a charging station for intercity electric vehicles by combining wind turbines and pv with the help of bee algorithm and fuzzy control, which is based on relieving the stress of electric vehicle batteries during travel and reassuring drivers. As a result, it increases the percentage of use of these cars. Studies have been conducted to strengthen the proposed model from a technical point of view in managing non-restrictions and climate change affecting wind turbine performance and accelerating social convergence.
Keywords : Wind Turbine - Range Anxiety - Consumer Perception