From Urban Planning to Urban Resilience: Post-COVID Design Principles for Smart Cities

Somaye Nazari1

1) 1. senior expert in urban planning, Payam Noor Razvan University, Sadouq, Yazd

Publication : 8th.International Congress On Civil Engineering, Architecture & Urban Development(
Abstract :
As urban areas face increasing challenges due to factors such as population growth, climate change, and the COVID-19 pandemic, the integration of technology in urban planning and design has become increasingly important for building resilient and sustainable cities. This review article examines the potential benefits and risks associated with the use of AI, big data, and IoT in urban planning and design, and highlights the implications for the post-COVID era. The review finds that the integration of these technologies can provide numerous benefits, including advanced predictive analytics, real-time data insights, and increased efficiency in urban operations. For example, AI can be used to optimize urban infrastructure and reduce energy consumption, while big data can provide insights into urban mobility patterns and enable cities to improve public transportation. IoT can improve the efficiency and accuracy of urban services such as traffic management and waste management. However, there are also potential risks and challenges associated with the use of these technologies, including threats to personal privacy and data security, technological disruption, and system malfunctions. To address these challenges, the review recommends that these technologies be deployed in a responsible and transparent manner, with clear guidelines on data usage and protection. Additionally, investments in digital literacy and reskilling programs are needed to mitigate the negative impacts of technological disruption. Backup systems and contingency plans should also be developed to ensure the resilience and continuity of critical urban services. Overall, this review article highlights the potential of AI, big data, and IoT in building resilient and sustainable cities in the post-COVID era. It also emphasizes the need for responsible and transparent deployment of these technologies, as well as investments in digital literacy and reskilling programs. The review article contributes to the field of urban planning and resilience by providing insights into the potential benefits and risks associated with the use of technology in urban planning and design.
Keywords : urban planning smart cities resilience COVID-19 artificial intelligence big data internet of things sustainability.