Timelessness in Architecture and Cinema

Aida Faghir1 Hossein Riahi2

1) Iran Azad university
2) Iran Azad university

Publication : 2nd International Conference on New Research & Achievements in Science, Engineering & Technologies(setbconf.com/2nd)
Abstract :
successfulness in art depends on how much it can make people ecstatic and free them from time and place. Among the arts, Architecture has great effect on people life and nowadays because of the fact that virtual riality is intertwined with architecture; we would like to study cinema trace on people too. In that cyberspace is very close to cinema, by studying it and finding common points between cinema and architecture, we can find out how to work to achieve the desired space for users. If a place which an architect designs make people comfort and relax they will behave well in their life. In this article we tried to discover how some buildings or films help people to feel they are in a place which the time has been stopped.
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