Applications of intelligent techniques in the design of modern buildings to achieve sustainable environment: A full-scale review

Applications of intelligent techniques in the design of modern buildings to achieve sustainable environment: A full-scale review

Saghar Toutounchi Avval1 Shima Azad Davar2

1) 1. Department of Art and Architecture, Khayyam University, Mashhad, Iran.
2) Payame Noor University (PNU), Instructor, Qom, Iran.

Publication : 2nd International Conference on New Research & Achievements in Science, Engineering & Technologies(
Abstract :
Nowadays, access to a sustainable environment and, more importantly, its preservation has a vital role because the lives of today and future generations are highly dependent on the environment as a valuable resource. Experts have suggested and applied some measurements in architecture, energy, and the environment, such as green building or LEED technology. With the passage of time and significant advances in science and technology, artificial intelligence (AI) techniques have found a special place in the design of buildings. This study shows that AI methods in modeling, designing, and implementing buildings can be useful. These approaches can play an important role in optimizing energy consumption and building sustainability, thus maintaining a sustainable environment. Furthermore, artificial neural network (ANN), genetic algorithm (GA), machine learning (ML), and deep learning are some most common use of AI in saving energy and sustainability of buildings.
Keywords : Intelligent technique Environmental Sustainability Energy optimization Sustainable development Smart buildings.